Saturday, November 24, 2007

Reformation or Another Dark Ages?

What will it be? A 2nd Reformation or another Dark Ages? I suggest these are the only two real options left for American evangelicalism. Sadly, all of the muddy middle between these two polar opposites evidence the latter. The proliferation of mega-whatevers, non-pulpit electronic churches, and culturally relevant philosophies of ministry all testify that America has never been more spiritual and less Christian. It seems to me that as the light of the gospel of God grows dimmer Christians would rather adjust their eyes to the incremental darkness rather than pray for a new Reformation according to the Word of God.

American Christianity offers a plethora of spiritual options for the religious consumer. The religion page of my local newspaper this morning illustrates our slide into a spiritual Dark Ages in this country. One article chronicles a 30,000 member church in the Ukraine called The Embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for All Nations whose charismatic leader hopes to bring a pentecostal revival to America. Now that's just what we need another Osteen, Hinn, or Jakes leading people to new modern versions of worship around a different "golden calf." Another piece tells of a new movie "What Would Jesus Buy?" a film railing against the evils of greed in America. In the same moralistic vain of "What Would Jesus Do," another group has again failed to ask or preach the most important question of the Christian faith "What Has Jesus Done?" Legalism and moralism have long replaced the atonement as the central tenet of Christian faith. Then there is the account of a fourth Episcopal Bishop converting to Rome. Apparently tired of the battle for orthodoxy within Protestantism the Bishop chose an ancient path filled with tradition and order.

There you have it. Pick and choose what suits your spiritual temperament - mysticism, moralism or tradition. Or, you can choose and contend for "the faith once for all delivered to the saints." That "faith" is best found and understood in the doctrines of historic, Protestant, and Reformed faith and practice. Notwithstanding the current famine of the Word of God in American church life all is not lost nor is spiritual darkness inevitable. As long as a remnant remains faithful to the sound expositional preaching of the Scriptures, the faithful administration of the sacraments, and prayer God may, in fact, do great things. Through these ordinary means of grace God shook Western Civilization 500 years ago. May God withhold His judgment and give us a 2nd Reformation radically committed to Scripture and Reformed churches relentlessly centered on God.


Unknown said...

Semper Reformanda!

Veritas said...

Maybe we should have named Covenant of Grace "Remnant Presbyterian Church" ???

~DSW~ said...

I agree completely. I don't think America has ever been in a more desperate situation in it's history. It's gonna take another man like Jonathan Edwards or Martin Luther to shake us out of our spiritual deadness. May God, for His name's sake alone, grant us another Great Awakening.

Unknown said...

I too pray for another "Awakening", but only portions akin to the first and nearly none akin to the second. We've got enough Finneys running around.

The irony in all of this discussion is that the majority amount of work in modern Evangelicalism is done in the name of "shaking us out of our spiritual deadness." There are many facets to this discussion, yet one of them most firmly is the raucous individualism that permeates most of American Christianity....largely due to the Awakenings. This is where a proper ecclesiology is most potent. We come together corporately on the day God has prescribed; we sing His psalms to Him; we ask him to bring Christ's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven; we ask God to cover the earth with the Kingdom of Christ as the waters cover the sea.

God grant us the wisdom and diligence to view his church and his worship Biblically.

polymathis said...

Good post.
Reformation will arise primarily through the preaching of the Law & Gospel by the power of the Spirit. That is my hope and prayer.